Visual Studio 2010
- The output of the active configuration of this project will be profiled. It is recommended that you choose a non-debug (i.e. ...
- The output path is not fully trusted by the .NET runtime. This is usually because it is either a network share or mapped ...
- The output path is not trusted. The application may throw security exceptions when it attempts to perform actions which require ...
- The owner of this snapshot is not the same as the owner of the environment. This might cause issues if you want to run coded ...
- The package that imports elements. Element definitions in the importing package can refer to the definitions of the imported ...
- The package whose elements are imported. The element definitions of the imported package cannot refer to the definitions ...
- The page cannot be accessed because Windows Internet Explorer is offline. Start Internet Explorer, click Work Offline on ...
- The page cannot be run in debug mode because debugging is not enabled in the Web.config file. What would you like to do? ...
- The page size value must be 0 or greater. If the value is 0, then last change must be null to indicate paging should not ...
- The parameter '{0}' was inferred to have byref type. Parameters of byref type must be given an explicit type annotation, ...
- The parameter name field must be unique. {0} is a duplicate. Change the parameter names so that they are unique and try again. ...
- The parameter {1}' has no default. A default is required for all non-nullable parameters without a prompt or the valid values ...
- The parameters array passed to this object selector is invalid. It must be a 1 or 2 element array that contains the name ...
- The parameters array passed to this object selector is invalid; it must be a flat list of names of type members for which ...
- The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter '{0}' of non-nullable type '{1}' for method '{2}' in '{3}'. ...
- The parameters dictionary contains an invalid entry for parameter '{0}' for method '{1}' in '{2}'. The dictionary contains ...
- The parameters dictionary does not contain an entry for parameter '{0}' of type '{1}' for method '{2}' in '{3}'. The dictionary ...
- The Parent Project for item %s (%s) is corrupt and the link to the child file has been lost until the project is recovered. ...
- The password file "%1!-.200s!" was not created by this client program and cannot be edited safely using this client program. ...
- The password information has not been carried forward from SCVMM. You can specify it in OS profile under 'Machine properties' ...
- The password is saved without encryption in an Office Data Connection text file, making your data less secure. Are you sure ...
- The path '{0}' must be either local to this computer or part of your trusted zone. If you have downloaded this template, ...
- The path for item '{0}' exceeds the maximum length of {1}. The path includes the name of the item itself, plus the names ...
- The path for the new project item is invalid. The path must be an absolute or relative path to a folder in the project directory. ...
- The path for the tab you dragged the template to only exists in the Workgroup or Installed Templates folder. The folder may ...
- The path of the item '{0}' is not valid. The full path must be less than {1} characters long; other restrictions apply. If ...
- The path of the packaged file "{0}" contains characters which may prevent successful deployment of the SharePoint solution. ...
- The path of the TypeDescriptor that represents the result of executing this MethodInstance. The TypeDescriptor is defined ...
- The path to a deployment configuration file. This file overrides the configuration file specified via the deployment manifest. ...
- The path to a sql command variables file. This file overrides the sql command variables file specified via the deployment ...
- The path to the web application for the URL '{0}' could not be determined. The URL may be invalid or may not point to a valid ...
- The path to the Web application is not specified. Tests configured to use ASP.NET Development Server must specify a valid ...
- The path you have entered cannot be used as a Trusted Location for security reasons. Choose another location or a specific ...
- The path you have entered for the content location is too long - it could cause problems as the local content store grows. ...
- The path you have entered is not a valid location or cannot be used as a Trusted Location for security reasons; please check ...
- The pending changes being checked in contain one or more locks. The build service cannot unshelve or check in your changes ...
- The percentage of time spent running code in coded Web tests. If the value is more than one percent, the coded Web tests ...
- The percentage of time spent running code in the load test plug-in. If the value is more than one percent, the plug-in may ...
- The percentage of time spent running extraction and validation rules. If the value is more than one percent, the overhead ...
- The percentage of Web test pages in a load test with a response time less than or equal to the response time goal for the ...
- The percentage that a response time may be over its goal and still have the validation rule succeed. For example: a tolerance ...
- The performance counter category '{0}' cannot be accessed on computer '{1}'{2}; check that the category and computer names ...
- The performance counter category '{0}' on computer '{1}' cannot be accessed. (For remote runs, the account under which the ...
- The performance counter specified in the goal based load pattern ({0}\{1}\{2}\{3}) was not found during a collection interval, ...
- The Performance Explorer will launch the executable that you have specified and gather performance data as it executes. Once ...
- The Performance Explorer will launch the project that you have specified and gather performance data as it executes. Once ...
- The performance of remote symbol stores can vary due to latency, bandwidth, or availability of servers. Debugging performance ...
- The permission policy you have selected is no longer in use. Contact your administrator to obtain new or updated permission ...
- The permissions for Remote Debugging have been changed so that additional users can debug. Users will have your privileges ...
- The permissions granted your user name and ID do not allow you create a new team project. You must be granted the project ...
- The permissions granted your user name and ID do not allow you create a new team project. You must be granted the project ...
- The permissions granted your user name and ID on the SQL Server Reporting Services at {0} do not allow you create a new project. ...
- The person who assigned you delegate permissions to set up this meeting could not be added to the workspace. Only that person ...
- The point around which the needle rotates. The coordinates are in percent of the Gauge's width or height, whichever is smaller. ...
- The policy of this document requires it to have a barcode before it can be printed. To insert a barcode, click Edit Document, ...
- The policy of this document requires it to have a barcode before it can be saved. To insert a barcode, click Edit Document, ...
- The policy of this document requires it to have a barcode. Would you like to insert a barcode now? This will cancel your ...
- The policy of this document requires it to have a barcode. Would you like to insert a barcode now? This will cancel your ...
- The policy of this document requires it to have a label before it can be printed. To insert a label, click Edit Document, ...
- The policy of this document requires it to have a label before it can be saved. To insert a label, click Edit Document, and ...
- The policy of this document requires it to have a label. Would you like to insert a label now? This will cancel your print. ...
- The policy of this document requires it to have a label. Would you like to insert a label now? This will cancel your save. ...
- The policy setting for rule {0} does not exist in the project settings. Make sure the project uses a rule set that includes ...
- The policy setting for rule {0} is more strict than the project setting. Make sure the project uses a rule set that includes ...
- The Popup shows the list of items in the ComboBox. IsOpen is databound to IsDropDownOpen which is toggled via the ComboBoxToggleButton ...
- The port is being used by another process (not via the http.sys service) the Help Agent is not be able to attach and use ...
- The port is being used by another process (not via the http.sys service) the Help Agent is not be able to attach and use ...
- The port number supplied in Help Library Agent port is invalid, the Help Library Agent cannot process this request and will ...
- The port number supplied in Help Library Agent port should be in the range 1 to 65535, the Help Library Agent cannot process ...
- The post-deployment script could not be found. If you want to designate a script as the post-deployment script, you must ...
- The pre-deployment script could not be found. If you want to designate a script as the pre-deployment script, you must set ...
- The preprocessor definitions, include search paths, forced included files, assembly search paths, and forced using assemblies ...
- The preserve permission settings option for copying sites is not supported by this version of Windows SharePoint Services. ...
- The previously selected node cannot be mapped to the currently active team foundation server. Please select a different node. ...
- The primary editing language has been changed and will take effect the next time you start your Microsoft Office programs. ...