Could not make connection to ^WAC_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL^. Please try to start ^WAC_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL^ from the start menu or the icon in the program group.
Could not locate the specified server. This may be due to one of the following reasons: you specified the wrong name, you ...
Could not locate the SSO service - Please verify that the server name is valid and SSO service is available on the server. ...
Could not make another copy of the item. The original was either moved or deleted, access was denied, or the server is unavailable. ...
Could not make connection to the FrontPage Explorer. Please try to start the FrontPage Explorer from the start menu or the ...
Could not make connection to ^WAC_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL^. Please try to start ^WAC_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL^ from the start menu or ...
Could not obtain a proxy to WebService for LobSystem '%1' in App Domain '%2'. The full exception text is: %3. The inner exception ...
Could not obtain offline settings for the address ' '. Certain types of addresses cannot be made available offline. Generally, ...
Could not obtain the data source in order to show details for this cell. Please verify that you have adequate permissions. ...
Could not open key: 2]. { System error 3].} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. ...