This member of the replica set is now the Design Master. |9 will now close and reopen the database in order for the changes to take effect.@@@1@@@1
This isn't a valid query name. Query names must have between 1 and 64 characters. They can't start with a space or an equal ...
This linked table has indexes that use an unsupported sort order.@If you modify this table, the Microsoft Office Access database ...
This member of the replica set has conflicts from synchronizing changes with other members.@Do you want to resolve these ...
This member of the replica set has exceeded the maximum number of days allowed between synchronizations and can't be synchronized ...
This member of the replica set is now the Design Master. |9 will now close and reopen the database in order for the changes ...
This member of the replica set will expire in | days because it has not been synchronized with another member of the replica ...
This message was automatically generated and then deleted while collecting data using e-mail with Access. It is safe to permanently ...
This object is locked. Any changes you make will be discarded when the form is closed.@Click the Microsoft Office Button, ...
This object no longer exists on the server. Click Requery Object List on the File menu to obtain the current list of server ...