Define the financial dimension combinations that make up a budget group, which you can use to pool budget resources. When budget groups are defined, budget checking occurs at the dimension combination detail level and at the budget group level. If no criteria are specified, then the rule applies to all dimension values.
Define the allocation schedules that will be used during workflow processing. The allocation schedules will populate the ...
Define the default over-budget permissions for user groups. You can change these settings for specific budget control rules ...
Define the document number of the ledger entry to use to perform the application. In addition, you specify the Posting Date ...
Define the financial dimension combinations for budget control. When budget control is turned on, the financial dimension ...
Define the financial dimension combinations that make up a budget group, which you can use to pool budget resources. When ...
Define the finite loading of a work center or machine center. You must set up production resources that you regard as critical ...
Define the general journal type to use when creating journal lines. You can also specify whether it requires approval to ...
Define the Microsoft Dynamics 365 organizations that you want to sign in to from Outlook. Outlook will synchronize information ...
Define the threshold amount, qualifiers, and asset groups for the selected legal entity. If you set a threshold amount for ...