If you save this layout page as another file, the new copy will no longer function as a layout page. Do you want to continue?
If you revert the XSLT for the entire view, the item, or all unchanged templates, any custom formatting will be removed for ...
If you save the changes, they will be available to all documents to which this global template is attached. If you don't ...
If you save the view encrypted, you will no longer be able to alter the view definition. Do you want to save the view encrypted? ...
If you save this document in the format you've selected, you will no longer be able to restrict permission to this document. ...
If you save this layout page as another file, the new copy will no longer function as a layout page. Do you want to continue? ...
If you see this message often, you may want to turn off the Prompt before saving Normal template option. To turn off this ...
If you select an existing IIS web site, that web site must exist on all servers in the farm and have the same name, or this ...
If you select shapes by using a selection net(dragging a box around shapes on the drawing page), you can change the selection ...
If you selected the MsMQueue Enabled check box, you must enter a name for the Microsoft Message Queuing queue in the MsmQueue ...