Invalid Flag(s). Property (%1) has Value (%2), which is out of the legal range for this property (%3). Check the schema for the legal flag range. Incorrect XML:%4%5%0
Invalid fileaccess value. Specify fileaccess option as xyz where x y and z are UNIX style chmod permissions between 0 and ...
Invalid fileaccess value. Specify fileaccess option as xyz where x y and z are UNIX style chmod permissions between 0 and ...
Invalid flag (%1). Ignoring the property with the invalid flag value. Check the schema for the correct flag values. Incorrect ...
Invalid flag value (%1). Multiple flags may be separated by a comma, the | character and/or a space. The following are examples ...
Invalid Flag(s). Property (%1) has Value (%2), which is out of the legal range for this property (%3). Check the schema for ...
Invalid format. A binary string must contain sets of 8 digits, each digit is either 0 or 1. Each set must be separated by ...
Invalid format. A decimal string must contain sets of three digits between 0 and 255. Each set must be separated by a space. ...
Invalid format. A hexadecimal string must contain sets of two digits between 0 and FF. Each set must be separated by a space. ...
Invalid format. An octal string must contain sets of three digits between 0 and 377. Each set must be separated by a space. ...