This tab allows changing the default parameters of the data generators used in Migration Tester. A list of all data generators is available in the Generator type box. All data generators have different options set. The following parameters can be adjusted for different data generators:For each data generator there exists a source box with a preview of the data to be generated by this data generator.|
- Minimum & Maximum value - The range of generated values for numeric data generators.
- Null chance - The probability of null value if nulls are allowed.
- Precision & Scale - The precision and scale for numeric data generators.
- Null values allowed - Are null values allowed.
- Mode - Format for generated values.
- From & To - The range of generated values for date data generators.
- Possible symbols - The char set to be used in string data generator.
- Mask - The mask for generated values in string data generator.
- Symbol sets - The predefined char sets in string data generator.
- String type - The type of generated values in string data generators.
- Max length - The maximum length of generated values in string data generators.
- Possible choices - The set of values to be used in choice data generators.
- Choices sets - The list of predefined sets of values to be used in choice data generators.
Generate a subject area database, staging area database, and packages that load data from the staging area database into ...
GENERATE=1= Set , String Expression , Delimiter ]=Returns a concatenated string created by evaluating a string expression ...
Generating a sort key failed with error 1!8.8X!. The ComparisonFlags are enabled, and generating a sortkey with LCMapString ...
Generating user instances in SQL Server is disabled. Use sp_configure 'user instances enabled' to generate user instances.%1!s! ...
Generator This tab allows changing the default parameters of the data generators used in Migration Tester . A list of all ...
German-PhoneBook, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server ...
Get downloads, read blogs, or find information and events of interest to developers working with data stored in SQL Server. ...
Get downloads, read blogs, or find information and events of interest to SQL Server Database Administrators and other IT ...
Gets or sets a Boolean property that specifies whether the trigger runs instead of the insert, delete, or update operation. ...