The '%{cube/}' schema (or cube) either does not exist in the '%{database/}' database or the user does not have the necessary permissions to access it.
The '%{column/}' column of the '%{Name/}' mining model contains the '%{flag/}' modeling flag which is only supported for ...
The '%{column/}' column of the '%{Name/}' model contains the '%{flag/}' modeling flag, which is not supported by the algorithm ...
The '%{column/}' column of the '%{structure/}' OLAP mining structure can only have Content set to non-continuous types (Discretized, ...
The '%{column/}' column of the '%{structure/}' OLAP mining structure cannot be bound to the parent attribute in a parent-child ...
The '%{cube/}' schema (or cube) either does not exist in the '%{database/}' database or the user does not have the necessary ...
The '%{cubedimension/}' dimension referenced in the binding for the OLAP mining structure, '%{structure/}' (column='%{column/}'), ...
The '%{cubeid/}' cube referenced in the binding for the OLAP mining structure, '%{structure/}' (column='%{column/}'), does ...
The '%{datasource/}' remote data source was encountered, but the cartridge does not support remote queries or table aliases. ...
The '%{datasourceid/}' data source ID of the '%{cube/}' cube does not correspond to an existing data source in the database. ...