The syntax of this command is: CLUSTER /LIST[:domain-name CLUSTER /CLUSTER:]cluster-name = /CREATE /NODE[S]:"node-name[ node-name ...

The syntax of this command is:  CLUSTER /LIST[:domain-name]  CLUSTER [[/CLUSTER:]cluster-name]    =   /CREATE [/NODE[S]:"node-name[ node-name ...]"] /IPADDR[ESS]:   /ADD[NODE] [/NODE[S]:"node-name[ node-name ...]"]   /DESTROY [/Y] [/Cleanup[ActiveDirectory]]   /SHUTDOWN [/Y]   /PROP[ERTIES] []   /PRIV[PROPERTIES] []   /PROP[ERTIES][:propname[,propname ...] /USEDEFAULT]   /PRIV[PROPERTIES][:propname[,propname ...] /USEDEFAULT]   /REN[AME]:cluster-name   /QUORUM   /QUORUM /NODE[MAJORITY]   /QUORUM:witness-resource-name   /QUORUM:disk-witness-resource-name [/PATH:path]   /QUORUM:disk-resource-name [/PATH:path] /DISK[ONLY]   /SETFAIL[UREACTIONS][:node-name[,node-name ...]]   /LISTNETPRI[ORITY]   /[LIST]SHARE[S][:]   /REG[ADMIN]EXT:admin-extension-dll[,admin-extension-dll ...]   /UNREG[ADMIN]EXT:admin-extension-dll[,admin-extension-dll ...]   /VER[SION]   NODE [node-name] node-command   GROUP [group-name] group-command   RES[OURCE] [resource-name] resource-command   {RESOURCETYPE|RESTYPE} [resourcetype-name] resourcetype-command   NET[WORK] [network-name] network-command   NETINT[ERFACE] [interface-name] interface-command   LOG [node-name] log-command    Note:     The /QUORUM option with switch /DISK[ONLY] is not recommended because the    disk is a single point of failure.   =   IPv4 Address/Subnet Mask:   IPv4 Address/Prefix Length: Where /24 =   IPv6 Address/Prefix Length: xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx/nnn   =   name=value[,value ...][:] [name=value[,value ...][:] ...]   =   BINARY|DWORD|STR[ING]|EXPANDSTR[ING]|MULTISTR[ING]|SECURITY|ULARGE|LARGE|LONG   =   ,[,]:SECURITY   =   \|@   =   GRANT|DENY|SET|REVOKE    GRANT - adds  to trustee's existing access rights   DENY - denies  for trustee   SET - overwrites trustee's existing access rights with    REVOKE - removes trustee from security descriptor   =   F|R|C    F - full   R - read only   C - change  CLUSTER /? CLUSTER /HELP