The CPU platform for the {0} feature is inconsistent between the nodes of the cluster. To cluster an instance, the platform of the instance on each node must be the same.
The copy columns, "%1!s!" and "%2!s!", do not have equal data types or are not trivially convertible string types. This occurs ...
The CPU architecture of installing feature(s) is different than the instance specified. To continue, add features to this ...
The CPU architectures of feature(s) you selected to removed are different then Setup. To remove these features, Setup architecture ...
The CPU architectures of upgrading feature(s) and this installation program are different. To upgrade these features, Setup ...
The CPU platform for the {0} feature is inconsistent between the nodes of the cluster. To cluster an instance, the platform ...
The CREATE %1!s! statement is missing the required parameter '%2!s!'. Validate the statement against the index-creation syntax. ...
The Create command cannot be executed since it is attempting to create an object in a read only database with the name of ...
The CREATE CUBE statement is not valid because none of the selected dimensions belongs to the measure group of the selected ...
The CREATE DATABASE statement failed. The primary file must be at least %1!s! MB to accommodate a copy of the model database. ...