CIM_HostedBootSAP defines the hosting unitary computer system for a CIM_BootSAP. Since this relationship is subclassed from CIM_HostedAccessPoint, it inherits the scoping/naming scheme defined for CIM_ServiceAccessPoint - where an access point is weak to its hosting system. In this case, CIM_BootSAP must be weak to its hosting CIM_UnitaryComputerSystem.
CIM_DiskSpaceCheck checks the amount of disk space the needs to be available on the system. The amount is specified in the ...
CIM_ElementCapacity associates a CIM_PhysicalCapacity object with one or more physical elements. It serves to associate a ...
CIM_Error is a specialized class that contains information about the severity, cause, recommended actions and other data ...
CIM_HostedAccessPoint is an association between a serviceaccess point and the system on which it is provided. The cardinality ...
CIM_HostedBootSAP defines the hosting unitary computer system for a CIM_BootSAP. Since this relationship is subclassed from ...
CIM_HostedBootService defines the hosting system for a boot service. Since this relationship is subclassed from CIM_HostedService, ...
CIM_HostedService is an association between a service and the system on which the functionality resides. The cardinality ...
CIM_Job is a logical element representing a unit of work for a system, such as a print job. A job is distinct from a process ...
CIM_JobDestination is a logical element representing where a job is submitted for processing. It can refer to a queue that ...