%1!s! [name=][user=] [password=] Sets the dial out credentials for a demand dial interface name - Name of the Interface user - User information in "Domain Name\User Name" format password - Password
s! name= state= Shows the current status of RAS ports. name - Name of the port whose status to display state - Display ports ...
s! name= type= vpn | dialup host=]< str> device= user= password= Adds a new demand dial interface. name - Name of the Interface ...
s! name= type= vpn | dialup host=]< str> device= user= password= Adds a new demand dial interface. name - Name of the Interface ...
s! name= Updates the Routing information for a specified or all interfaces. name - Name of the interface. If no interface ...
s! name= user= password= Sets the dial out credentials for a demand dial interface name - Name of the Interface user - User ...
s! oid = oid Adds a hash algorithm to the list of allowed hash algorithms. You can obtain the oids from the "show hashes" ...
s! oid = oid Adds an HTTP client user agent to the list of allowed user agents. name - Specifies the name of the user agent. ...
s! oid = oid Deletes a hash algorithm from the list of accepted hash algorithms. You can obtain the oids from the "show config" ...
s! oid = oid Deletes an asymmetric key algorithm from the list of allowed asymmetric key algorithms. You can obtain the oids ...