Modifies attributes of one or more existing quota specifications in the directory. A quota specification determines the maximum number of directory objects a given security principal can own in a specific directory partition.
Modes: Profile Install - cmstp.exe /ni /ns /nf /s /su /sd /au Profile Uninstall - cmstp.exe /u /s Uninstall Connection Manager ...
Modifications are not allowed for default logs and alerts. You can start or stop the session from the context menu Start ...
Modifications or transforms allow you to customize the package and are applied to the package in the order shown in the following ...
Modified the specified 24-hour schedule. 1. wsrmc /Modify:Sched /i: /Force must be a valid XML file. /Force overrides time-stamp ...
Modifies attributes of one or more existing quota specifications in the directory. A quota specification determines the maximum ...
Modifies the specified Policy. 1. wsrmc /Modify:Pol /i: /Force must be a valid XML file. /Force overrides time-stamp checking. ...
Modify the specified Calendar Event. 1. wsrmc /Modify:Cal /i: /Force must be a valid XML file. /Force overrides time-stamp ...
Modify the specified Process Matching Criteria. 1. wsrmc /Modify:Pmc /i: /Force must be a valid XML file. /Force overrides ...
ModuleInstance represents the Win32 instance handle.The ModuleInstance property has been deprecated. There is no replacement ...