User does not have access to the invoked operation. Your session may have timed out. Please restart the application. Operation name: '{0}'.
User account required to run the remote debugger. This account must have the privilege to 'Log on as a service' in the Local ...
User code should not create and raise exceptions of certain types that are reserved by the runtime or which are of a too ...
User Control items are added to the following folder: {0}. An item with the specified name already exists in that folder. ...
user defined binary operator ',' exists but no overload could convert all operands, default built-in binary operator ',' ...
User does not have access to the invoked operation. Your session may have timed out. Please restart the application. Operation ...
User Id: {0} Scenario: {1} Test: {2} URL: {3} Outcome: {4} Browser: {5} Network: {6} Start Time: {7} Duration: {8:F3} Agent: ...
User mode ETW events were lost during collection. This report may be missing Markers or contain unresolved stack frames. ...
User Story Status by Config: Helps the team identify gaps in test coverage for each test configuration for each user story. ...
User with security identifier "{0}" does not have a writable user environment key. Please make sure the associated application ...