RBAC Sessions - Average Creation Time Base is the base for the average time, in seconds, taken by the Exchange Administration Center to create an RBAC session during the sampling period.
Quorum resource '{0}' is not online on server '{1}'. Database availability group '{2}' might not be reachable or may have ...
Quota calculation failed. (ExhaustedQuotaAcrossGroup={0}, MaximumAllowedAcrossGroup={1}, IsConcluded={2}, IsInvokedTooSoon={3}) ...
Quota was exceeded while performing a database operation. The Microsoft Exchange Transport service is shutting down. Exception ...
Rate of Deferrals to Prelicense External Messages/sec is the number of deferrals per second by the Prelicensing Agent for ...
RBAC Sessions - Average Creation Time Base is the base for the average time, in seconds, taken by the Exchange Administration ...
RBAC Sessions - Average Creation Time is the average time (in seconds) that the Exchange Control Panel took to create an ...
RBAC Sessions - Peak is the largest number of RBAC sessions simultaneously loaded in the Exchange Control Panel since the ...
RBAC Sessions - Total is the total number of RBAC sessions loaded in the Exchange Control Panel since the process was started. ...
RBAC Sessions is the current number of RBAC sessions loaded in the Exchange Control Panel, including Standard sessions, Inbound ...