An unknown connection error occurred. Either you are no longer connected to the internet or the server you are connected to is offline.
After leaving the test, uninstall the OneDrive app and reinstall it from the Play Store. That\'s it! You should be back to ...
Although it doesn't make up for our mistake, we've added {0} of storage space to your {Live.Shared.Strings.ConsumerName.Live.Folders} ...
Although we can't respond individually to every submission, we do review them and use the information to help improve our ...
An error occurred while trying to disconnect "{0}" from {Live.Shared.Strings.ConsumerName.Live.Folders}. Please try again. ...
An unknown connection error occurred. Either you are no longer connected to the internet or the server you are connected ...
And, of course, {Live.Shared.Strings.Name.MetroMail} gives you virtually unlimited storage and less spam and works on your ...
Any files that have been moved will stay in their new location, but files that haven't finished won't be moved. Are you sure ...
As promised, your Hotmail account has been upgraded to {Live.Shared.Strings.Name.MetroMail}.com. All of your email and other ...
Because you already have a {Live.Shared.Strings.ConsumerName.Live.Folders} account, you can't get the extra storage for new ...