The CSName property contains the local name of the computer system. The value for this member comes from the CIM_ComputerSystem class.
The cross-certificates download interval value you entered is invalid. Please enter a numeric value between 1 and %1!d!. ...
The cross-domain move of the following object to a new parent object succeeded, but cleanup on the local domain controller ...
The crossRef object has a reference to a directory partition (nCName attribute) with the following conflicting name. The ...
The CSDVersion property contains a null-terminated string, that indicates the latest Service Pack installed on the computer ...
The CSName property contains the local name of the computer system. The value for this member comes from the CIM_ComputerSystem ...
The CTSOutflowControl property determines whether the Clear To Send (CTS) is checked before transmitting data. CTS signals ...
The current Active Directory Domain Controller is the Operations Master. To transfer the Operations Master to a different ...
The current answer file has settings that have not been modified. Closing the answer file will remove these settings from ...
The current Audit Policy for this computer does not have auditing turned on. If this computer gets audit policy from the ...