Unable upload pictures to your picture provider. This is likely due to the fact that your provider does not support picture upload or that your account is out of space. Choose another upload mechanism or increase your photo album size. If this problem persists, contact your provider for additional help.
Unable to update the server farm with this configuration change. You must reset Internet Information Systems (IIS) manually ...
Unable to use specified WordServiceApplication. If this object was obtained via the WordServiceApplication constructor, it ...
Unable to use specified WordServiceApplicationProxy. If this object was obtained via the WordServiceApplicationProxy constructor, ...
Unable to validate the security mappings. Check the password and settings. Verify that Microsoft SharePoint Server and Lotus ...
Unable upload pictures to your picture provider. This is likely due to the fact that your provider does not support picture ...
Unapproved Resources: This page could not have resources analyzed due to a FileNotFoundException. This could have occurred ...
Unapproved Resources: This page could not have resources analyzed due to a UriFormatException. This probably occurred because ...
Unapproved Resources: This page could not have resources analyzed due to an Exception. Page URL: %1. Exception message: %2. ...
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal ...