Types that implement IEnumerator should also provide a version of the Current property that returns a type other than Object. Implement the interface member explicitly and make the strongly typed version public.
Types that extend certain base types have specified name suffixes. Types that extend Attribute, for example, should be suffixed ...
Types that extend ServicedComponent should not have the WebMethod attribute applied to members. Marking members of types ...
Types that implement ICollection should also provide a version of CopyTo with the first parameter set to a strong type, namely ...
Types that implement IComparable should redefine Equals and comparison operators to keep the meanings of less than, greater ...
Types that implement IEnumerator should also provide a version of the Current property that returns a type other than Object. ...
Types that redefine the equality operator should redefine Equals as well to ensure that these members return the same results. ...
Types with no public default constructor are not COM-creatable. COM does not support parameterized object construction. A ...
Types with the 'AllowNullLiteral' attribute may only inherit from or implement types which also allow the use of the null ...
Types with the AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute that extend types without that attribute might unintentionally expose ...