Microsoft(R) Help Content Manager Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. . Description: Runs the Help Content Manager application ...

Microsoft(R) Help Content Manager
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Description: Runs the Help Content Manager application to install, remove, 
move, or update documentation.

To install content:

    HlpCtntMgr.exe /operation install /catalogName  
    /locale  [/options]

    Required parameters: /operation, /catalogName, /locale    
    Options: /sourceUri, /skuid, /membership, /booklist, /vendor, /productName,
    Content filters: /locale, /membership, /booklist, /vendor, /productName
    Example: HlpCtntMgr.exe /operation install /catalogName VisualStudio12 
    /locale en-US /skuId 3000 /booklist "Spec Explorer" "Dynamic AX"
    /sourceUri D:\binData\Documentaion\Dev11\SmallSet\helpcontentsetup.msha

To remove (uninstall) content:

    HlpCtntMgr.exe /operation uninstall /catalogName  
    /locale  [/options]

    Required parameters: /operation, /catalogName, /locale
    Options: /sourceUri, /skuid, /membership, /booklist, /vendor, /productName,
    Example: HlpCtntMgr.exe /operation uninstall /catalogName VisualStudio12 
    /locale fr-FR /skuId 3000 /booklist "Visual C#" "Visual C++" "Help on Help"

To update content:

    HlpCtntMgr.exe /operation refresh /catalogName  
    /locale  [/options]

    Required parameters: /operation, /catalogName, /locale    
    Options: /sourceUri
    Example: HlpCtntMgr.exe /operation refresh /catalogName VisualStudio12 
    /locale ja-JP

To move content:

    HlpCtntMgr.exe /operation move /catalogName  

    Required parameters: /operation, /catalogName, /locationPath

    Example: HlpCtntMgr.exe /operation move /catalogName VisualStudio12 
    /locationPath D:
Required Parameters:

        Specifies the content operation to perform.

        Specifies the product documentation catalog to install, uninstall,
        refresh, or move.

        Use for install, uninstall, and refresh operations.
        Specifies the culture name (language and country/region) of the product
        documentation to install, uninstall, or refresh.
        For example, specify /locale en-us for English (United States).

        Use only for move operations.
        Specifies the location to use for documentation. 
        This parameter must be specified when the /silent parameter is being 


        Use for install, uninstall, and refresh operations.
        Specifies the content source. This can be an .msha file or a service
        endpoint URL. If omitted, the Visual Studio service endpoint is used.

        Use for install and uninstall operations.
        Filters the booklist on the given SKU ID. 
        See the Help Viewer administrator's guide for the list of SKU IDs.

        Use for install operations.
        Filters the booklist by the given content scope (minimum set of books,
        recommended books, or all available books).

        Use for install and uninstall operations.
        Specifies the list of book names to install or uninstall. Use double
        quotation marks (") if the book name includes spaces (for example, 
        "Visual C#"), and use a blank space to separate books.
        For install operations, if /booklist is not supplied, all books found
        on the /sourceURI will be installed. 
        For uninstall operations, if /sourceUri is supplied, all books found 
        on the /sourceURI will be uninstalled and the /booklist parameter is

        Use for install and uninstall operations, with the /booklist parameter.
        Specifies the vendor that created the books to install or uninstall.
        If omitted, defaults to "Microsoft".

        Use for install and uninstall operations, with the /booklist parameter.
        Specifies the product name associated with the books to install or 
        This parameter should not be used for the Visual Studio 11 service 
        endpoint. It is provided for backward compatibility with the 
        Visual Studio 2010 service endpoint.
        This parameter is required if you specify /booklist.

        Use for all operations.
        Specifies that no graphical UI should be displayed when installing,
        removing, updating, or moving content. See the Help Viewer 
        administrator's guide for information about error codes returned during
        silent mode.
        To specify this parameter, you must run HlpCtntMgr.exe from an elevated
        Command Prompt window. Otherwise, it will fail.

        Use for install, uninstall, and refresh operations.
        If an operation is already in progress for the catalog the process will
        wait up to the given number of seconds to continue.
        Use 0 to wait infinitely.