Options available for plans command tcm plans /list /querytext:query /collection:teamprojectcollectionurl /teamproject:project ...

Options available for plans command

tcm plans /list [/querytext:query] /collection:teamprojectcollectionurl
          /teamproject:project [/login:username,[password]]

tcm plans /clone /sourceplanid:id /destinationplanname:name
          [/overridefield:name=value [/overridefield:name=value ...]]
          /collection:teamprojectcollectionurl /teamproject:project

tcm plans /clone  
          /collection:teamprojectcollectionurl /teamproject:project 

The /list command allows enumerating plans in the specified team project, and 
retrieving the plan name and id.

The /clone /sourceplanid /destinationplanname creates a new plan. 

If /sourcesuiteids is also specified, then a clone operation is started in
TFS to clone the test cases to the new plan. The command returns an
operation id that can be used  to track status and completion of the 
clone operation. 
Optionally, several test case fields and their values can be specified as
overrides to distinguish cloned test cases from the original. 
The requirement based suites are cloned to a static suite by default 
but if /clonerequirements switch is specified, then they are cloned 
to a requirement based suite with a cloned requirement. 
Option /clonechildren can be used to clone all child suites of the 
suites provided.

The /clone /status command allows tracking status and completion of a clone
operation based on its id.

tcm plans /list  

tcm plans /clone /sourceplanid:1 /destinationplanname:"New Plan Name" 
          /overridefield:"Iteration Path"="Project1\Iteration 2"
          /overridefield:"Area Path"="Project1\Area 1"
tcm plans /clone /sourceplanid:1 /destinationplanname:"New Plan Name" 
          /sourcesuiteids: 1,2,3
          /overridefield:"Iteration Path"="Project1\Iteration 2"
          /overridefield:"Area Path"="Project1\Area 1"
          /clonerequirements /clonechildren

tcm plans /clone /status:1