To calibrate the screen, tap the crosshair each time that it appears on the screen. Do not change your screen orientation until you have completed the calibration process.
To begin using a trust, both sides of the trust relationship must be created. For example, if you create a one-way incoming ...
To best protect your PC, we'd like to send information to Microsoft about any problems we find. We'll analyze that information ...
To better understand this problem, Microsoft would like to gather additional diagnostic information automatically when the ...
To better understand this problem, Microsoft would like to gather additional diagnostic information automatically when the ...
To calibrate the screen, tap the crosshair each time that it appears on the screen. Do not change your screen orientation ...
To change a property for multiple objects, first select the checkbox to enable the change, and then type the change. Depending ...
To change sounds, click a program event in the following list and then select a sound to apply. You can save the changes ...
To change the Central Access Policy applicable to the object, which may include permission to view its properties, go to ...
To change the execution policy for the default (LocalMachine) scope, start Windows PowerShell with the "Run as administrator" ...