Enter a value that corresponds to the database where the event occurred. The database value is required if you want a user to be able to drill-down to the event from the alert notification.
Enter a value in this field to update the receipt quantity for a transfer order line. In the Receive page, select Receive ...
Enter a value in this field to update the receipt quantity in catch weight units for a transfer order line. In the Receive ...
Enter a value in this field to update the shipment quantity for a transfer order line. In the Shipment page, select Ship ...
Enter a value of 1 to add one additional kanban to the formula for the kanban quantity calculation. If you do not want to ...
Enter a value that corresponds to the database where the event occurred. The database value is required if you want a user ...
Enter a value to add batch helpers for load balancing when an inventory close or a recalculation is run in a batch. Batch ...
Enter a value to describe the ratio between the cycle times of the related activities. The cycle time ratio defines how many ...
Enter a value to include a safety factor in the kanban quantity calculation. You can enter a value that is greater than or ...
Enter a value, which can be an amount, day, or month, depending on your selection in the Interest by range field in the Interest ...