The column contains mixed data types and the data was pasted as text. PowerPivot can automatically add a calculated column with a numeric data type and replace any non-numeric values with NULL. This will enable you to use the data in calculations.
The column '%{table/}[%{column/}]' cannot be of type Empty. The Empty data type can only be set on a column if the column ...
The column '%{table/}[%{column/}]' doesn't have a relationship to table '%{maintable/}' which is used in the decision tree ...
The column '%{table/}[%{column/}]' either doesn't exist or doesn't have a relationship to any table available in the current ...
The column '%{table/}[%{column/}].[%{variation/}]' either doesn't exist or doesn't have a relationship to any table available ...
The column contains mixed data types and the data was pasted as text. PowerPivot can automatically add a calculated column ...
The column referenced by the PerspectiveColumn '%{perspcolumn/}' in table '%{persptable/}' in perspective '%{persp/}' cannot ...
The column referenced by the PerspectiveColumn '%{perspcolumn/}' in the Table '%{persptable/}' in the Perspective '%{persp/}' ...
The column with ID of '%{propertyid/}', Name of '%{propertyname/}' referred to by the '%{aggregationdimension/}' table cannot ...
The column you selected to be the Row Identifier does not contain unique values. Select a column that contains unique values ...