Controls whether to prompt the user when an existing file is about to be overwritten. It is only applicable if 'ValidateNames' is set to true.
Controls if the print preview will be rendered with anti-aliasing. Using AntiAlias provides a more accurate display of the ...
Controls whether designers should use snap lines. If true, snap lines will be used as guides. If false, grid lines will be ...
Controls whether the button should be displayed as partially pushed or not, but only if the style of the button is ToggleButton. ...
Controls whether to prompt the user when a new file is about to be created. It is only applicable if 'ValidateNames' is set ...
Controls whether to prompt the user when an existing file is about to be overwritten. It is only applicable if 'ValidateNames' ...
ControlTemplate must be associated with a Control by setting the Control.Template property before it is used to template ...
Conversion failed because the {0} data value overflowed the type specified for the {0} value part in the consumer's buffer. ...
Conversion failed because the {0} data value was signed and the type specified for the {0} value part in the consumer's buffer ...
Conversion failed for command parameter[{0} '{1}' because the data value was signed and the type used by the provider was ...