Please specify an error message. The value in "" (quotes) will be treated as literal, otherwise it will be treated as the name of the variable of type System.String.
Please restart your computer to complete the installation. If you choose Restart Later, applications that depend on .NET ...
Please select workflow type and authoring mode. Workflow type defines the types of activities that can be included in your ...
Please set registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\InstallRoot to point to the .NET Framework install location ...
Please set registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\InstallRoot to point to the .NET Framework install location ...
Please specify an error message. The value in " (quotes) will be treated as literal, otherwise it will be treated as the ...
Please specify if the activity is enabled or not. If an activity is not enabled it will not participate in the execution ...
Please specify the synchronization handles to be acquired before executing the activity. Synchronization handles needs to ...
Please specify the Until condition for the activity. If not specified, the activity will execute until no more children are ...
Please wait while setup scans your system for conditions that could cause setup to fail, or cause issues later during server ...