Usage : set optionvalue user=userName vendor=vendorName optionID : Unique identifier for the Option whose value to be set. ...

Usage   : set optionvalue   [user=userName]
          optionID    : Unique identifier for the Option whose 
                        value to be set. 
          valueType   : Data type of the option. Should be either
                        of the following: 
                        BYTE | WORD | DWORD | STRING | IPADDRESS | IPV6ADDRESS 
          userName    : To set the user class name to userName for this 
                        command(Optional). Tag user= must be provided.
                        (default is the global userName set by using 
                        Set userclass). This is valid only for
                        Windows 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003 and 
                        Windows Server 2008. 
          vendorName  : To set the vendor class name to vendorName for this
                        command(Optional). Tag vendor= must be provided.
                        (default is the global vendorName set by using
                        Set vendorclass). This is valid only for
                        Windows 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003 and 
                        Windows Server 2008.
          optionValue : The new value of the option identified by the
                        optionID and should be of type . 
Purpose : Sets the value for a option for the MultiCast Scope under the 
          DHCP Server.
Example : 
          set optionvalue 003 IPADDRESS vendor=Vendor1
          will set the value of the option with ID 003(ROUTER) for the vendor
          class Vendor1(Vendor Class Vendor1 and Option 003 for Vendor1 must
          be defined already) and of type IPADDRESS to the values given
          for the current Multicast scope.
          set optionvalue 003 IPADDRESS
          will set the value of the option with ID 003(ROUTER)(Dhcp Standard
          option) and of type IPADDRESS to the values given for the current
          multicast scope.