BITS encountered error %2 while deleting the file %1. Another program might be accessing this file or there might be network problems. Run Cleanup again later.
BitLocker provides full-volume encryption and boot integrity checking to ensure that the data on your computer stays confidential, ...
BITS could not add file(s) to %1 job. The file count for %1 job (%2) has exceeded the per-job file limit (%3) specified through ...
BITS could not add ranges to %1 file. The range count for %1 file (%2) has exceeded the per-file range limit (%3) specified ...
BITS encountered error %2 while deleting the directory %1. Another program might be accessing this directory or there might ...
BITS encountered error %2 while deleting the file %1. Another program might be accessing this file or there might be network ...
BITS encountered error %2 while scanning the virtual directory %1. The directory might not be available right now. Try running ...
BITS has encountered %1 error while reading the peer-cache information. BITS will now attempt to delete and re-create the ...
BITS has encountered an error communicating with an Internet Gateway Device. Please check that the device is functioning ...
BITS has successfully deleted the peer-cache. All the files cached until this point have been removed. The peer-cache will ...