Delete existing quotas. The syntax of this command is: Dirquota Quota Delete /Path:PATH [/Quiet] [/Remote:MACHINE] /Path:PATH Delete quotas configured on path PATH. The following wildcards are supported: \. - Folder specified by PATH \* - All immediate subfolders of PATH \... - All recursive subfolders under PATH /Quiet Delete quotas without warning. /Remote:MACHINE Perform the operation on machine MACHINE. Example: Dirquota Quota Delete /Path:D:\scratch\... /Quiet
Delete existing file screen templates. The syntax of this command is: Filescrn Template Delete /Template:TEMPLATE_NAME /Quiet ...
Delete existing file screens. The syntax of this command is: Filescrn Screen Delete /Path:PATH /Quiet /Remote:MACHINE /Path:PATH ...
Delete existing quota templates. The syntax of this command is: Dirquota Template Delete /Template:TEMPLATE_NAME /Quiet /Remote:MACHINE ...
Delete existing quotas. The syntax of this command is: Dirquota Quota Delete /Path:PATH /Path:PATH Delete quota configured ...
Delete existing quotas. The syntax of this command is: Dirquota Quota Delete /Path:PATH /Quiet /Remote:MACHINE /Path:PATH ...
Delete existing report jobs. The syntax of this command is: Storrept Reports Delete /Task:TASK /Quiet /Remote:MACHINE /Task:TASK ...
Delete of file "%1" caused a rescan because it was potentially a short filename. Avoid use of names with the character "~" ...
Delete of file "%2" caused a rescan because it was potentially a short filename. Avoid use of names with the character "~" ...
Delete per machine printer connection (the connection will be deleted upon user logon): rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry ...