Totals in this PivotTable list include data that is hidden by filtering. When you export this PivotTable list to Microsoft Office Excel, the totals in the Excel PivotTable report will not include the hidden data, and as a result the total values in the Excel report will be different.
To use this Web page interactively, you must have Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 2 (SP2) or later and the ...
To view the columns for data in a table, click the + sign beside it the Available Tables And Columns box. To include an available ...
Top/Bottom filtering context field can not be a custom group field. You are trying to remove field '|0', which will leave ...
Totals in this PivotTable list do not include data that is hidden by filtering. When you export this PivotTable list to Microsoft ...
Totals in this PivotTable list include data that is hidden by filtering. When you export this PivotTable list to Microsoft ...
trials,probability_s,alpha!Returns the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is greater than or equal ...
Try the following: Switch to the Query window, make sure it isn't waiting to receive data, and then close any open dialog ...
Type or select a worksheet range that contains data you want to summarize, and then click Add. Repeat for each range you ...
Types of external data connections that are allowed. Valid values: None (data connections are not allowed); Dcl (only connections ...