Attempt to generate a string representation of the expression failed with error code 0x%1!8.8X!. Failed when attempting to generate a displayable string that represents the expression.
At least one Oracle publisher meta data table does not exist in the Oracle publisher admin schema or the publisher schema ...
At the time of call to BCPColumns, the number of columns must be 0. BCPColumns can be called only once during a BCP operation ...
Attempt to find the input column named "%1!s!" failed with error code 2!8.8X!. The input column specified was not found in ...
Attempt to find the input column with lineage ID %1!d! failed with error code 2!8.8X!. The input column was not found in ...
Attempt to generate a string representation of the expression failed with error code 1!8.8X!. Failed when attempting to generate ...
Attempt to parse the expression "%1!s!" failed and returned error code 2!8.8X!. The expression cannot be parsed. It might ...
Attempt to parse the expression "%1!s!" failed. The expression might contain an invalid token, an incomplete token, or an ...
Attempt to parse the expression "%1!s!" failed. The token "%2!s!" at line number "%3!s!", character number "%4!s!" was not ...
Attempt to parse the expression failed. The expression contains an invalid or incomplete token. It may contain invalid elements, ...