(!idspnExcel_NV) cannot find the data you are searching for, but has detected that your search contains formatting symbols. Try changing the search Options to "Look in: Values".
idspnExcel_NV) cannot determine which row in your list or selection contains column labels, which are required for this command. ...
idspnExcel_NV) cannot display some of the graphics in this file because the | graphics filter is not installed. To display ...
idspnExcel_NV) cannot find '|0' on '|1'. There are two possible reasons: The name you specified may not be defined. The name ...
idspnExcel_NV) cannot find any data to replace. Check if your search formatting and criteria are defined correctly. If you ...
idspnExcel_NV) cannot find the data you are searching for, but has detected that your search contains formatting symbols. ...
idspnExcel_NV) cannot make this change because there are too many row or column items. Remove at least one row or column ...
idspnExcel_NV) cannot move the page break because doing so would reduce the scale to below the minimum 10 percent. To print ...
idspnExcel_NV) cannot open or save any more documents because there is not enough available memory or disk space. To make ...
idspnExcel_NV) cannot perform this action on nonadjacent cells. To complete the task, select one area at a time, and try ...