Examples: To find all users in a given OU whose names start with "jon" and display their descriptions, type: dsquery user ...

To find all users in a given OU whose names start with "jon" and display
their descriptions, type:

    dsquery user ou=Test,dc=microsoft,dc=com -name jon* | dsget user -desc

To display the list of groups, recursively expanded, to which a given user
"Jon Smith" belongs, type:

    dsget user "cn=Jon Smith,cn=users,dc=microsoft,dc=com" -memberof -expand

To display the effective quota and quota used for a given user
"Jon Smith" on a given partition "cn=domain,dc=microsoft,dc=com", type:

    dsget user "cn=Jon Smith,cn=users,dc=microsoft,dc=com"
    -part "cn=domain,dc=microsoft,dc=com" -qlimit -qused

See also:
dsget - describes parameters that apply to all commands.
dsget computer - displays properties of computers in the directory.
dsget contact - displays properties of contacts in the directory.
dsget subnet - displays properties of subnets in the directory.
dsget group - displays properties of groups in the directory.
dsget ou - displays properties of ou's in the directory.
dsget server - displays properties of servers in the directory.
dsget site - displays properties of sites in the directory.
dsget user - displays properties of users in the directory.
dsget quota - displays properties of quotas in the directory.
dsget partition - displays properties of partitions in the directory.

Directory Service command-line tools help:
dsadd /? - help for adding objects.
dsget /? - help for displaying objects.
dsmod /? - help for modifying objects.
dsmove /? - help for moving objects.
dsquery /? - help for finding objects matching search criteria.
dsrm /? - help for deleting objects.