This email address is not a record in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. To create a record for this email address, on the Email form, double-click the red text, and then complete and save the Resolve Address form.
This customer will be either the account or contact associated with this order. The Customer column appears in the Orders ...
This customer will be either the account or contact associated with this quote. The Potential Customer column appears in ...
This dialog is set to be run on demand. An on-demand dialog cannot include input arguments. If you add an input argument, ...
This document was being edited offline, but there is no application configured to open the document from SharePoint.The document ...
This email address is not a record in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. To create a record for this email address, on the Email form, ...
This email has a valid tracking token and may be promoted online by the Microsoft Dynamics CRM-Exchange Email Router. Do ...
This email is already being tracked in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Do you want to create a copy of this item in Microsoft Dynamics ...
This entity is currently syncing to an external search index. You must remove the entity from the external search index before ...
This entity is referenced by the following objects. All references must be removed before the entity can be deleted. {0} ...