The |9 index information (.inf) file for '|1' already exists.@Do you want to replace the existing |9 .inf file for the dBASE or Microsoft FoxPro file you're linking?@* To create a new .inf file, click Yes.* To use the existing file, click No.If the .inf file contains invalid or outdated information, you must click Yes to create a new .inf file before you can link the table.@17@1@9186@2
The | type isn't an installed database type or doesn't support the operation you chose.@You used the TransferDatabase method, ...
The |0 '|1' could not be read from the template file. The object may be in an unrecognized format or contain invalid data. ...
The |0 |1 is based on the |2 field that can accept multiple values for a record. You cannot change the |3 property of a |1 ...
The |9 data access page name '|1' is misspelled or refers to a Page that doesn't exist.@If the invalid Page name is in a ...
The |9 index information (.inf) file for '|1' already exists.@Do you want to replace the existing |9 .inf file for the dBASE ...
The |9 project '|1' will be opened read-only because one of the following occurred:@Either the file is locked for editing ...
There are calculated columns in this table that depend on the column '|1'.@Changing or deleting this column may cause errors ...
There are calls to 16-bit dynamic-link libraries (.dll) in modules in this database.@These won't work under Microsoft Windows ...
There are calls to 16-bit dynamic-link libraries (.dll) in modules in this database.@These won't work under Microsoft Windows ...