It is an error if 'whiteSpace' is among the members of {facets} of {base type definition}, {value} is 'preserve', and the {value} of the parent 'whiteSpace' is 'replace'.
It is an error for both 'length' and either 'minLength' or 'maxLength' to be members of {facets}, unless they are specified ...
It is an error if 'length' is among the members of {facets} of {base type definition} and {value} is greater than the {value} ...
It is an error if 'maxLength' is among the members of {facets} of {base type definition} and {value} is greater than the ...
It is an error if 'minLength' is among the members of {facets} of {base type definition} and {value} is less than the {value} ...
It is an error if 'whiteSpace' is among the members of {facets} of {base type definition}, {value} is 'preserve', and the ...
It is an error if 'whiteSpace' is among the members of {facets} of {base type definition}, {value} is 'replace' or 'preserve', ...
It is an error if a union type has a member with variety union and this member cannot be substituted with its own members. ...
It is an error if more than one attribute whose type is xs:ID or is derived from xs:ID, matches an attribute wildcard on ...
It is an error if the derived 'maxExclusive' facet value is greater than or equal to the parent 'maxInclusive' facet value. ...