Returns a list comprised of all the odd numbered offset elements in a list. Alternates between taking and skipping values from the list {0} depending on the parameters.
- {1}: Specifies number of values that are skipped each time.
- {2}: An optional repeat interval to indicate how many values are added in between the skipped values.
- {3}: An option offset parameter to begin skipping the values at the initial offset.
Returns a Double number value from the given {0}. If the given {0} is null , Double.From returns null . If the given {0} ...
Returns a duration value from the given {0}. If the given {0} is null , Duration.From returns null . If the given {0} is ...
Returns a duration value from the specified text, {0}. The following formats can be parsed by this function: (-)hh:mm(:ss(.ff)) ...
Returns a duration value from the specified text, {0}. The following formats can be parsed by this function: (-)hh:mm(:ss) ...
Returns a list comprised of all the odd numbered offset elements in a list. Alternates between taking and skipping values ...
Returns a list of Active Directory domains in the same forest as the specified domain or of the current machine's domain ...
Returns a list of date values of size {1}, starting at {0}. The given increment, {2}, is a duration value that is added to ...
Returns a list of datetime values of size {1}, starting at {0}. The given increment, {2}, is a duration value that is added ...
Returns a list of datetimezone values of size {1}, starting at {0}. The given increment, {2}, is a duration value that is ...