To set the value of an option for a reservation IP address in the scope. Syntax: set reservedoptionvalue user=UserName vendor=VendorName ...

To set the value of an option for a reservation IP address in the 
        set reservedoptionvalue    
        [user=UserName] [vendor=VendorName] [ForceFlag]  
        ReservedIP     - Reserved IP address for which the option 
                         value is to be set.  
        OptCode        - The code for the option type whose value is 
                         to be set.  
        DataType       - The data type for the option type whose value 
                         is to be set.  
        UserName       - To specify either the current default user 
                         class or the class specified as UserName. If 
                         this parameter is used, the user= tag must 
                         be provided.  
        VendorName     - To specify either the current default vendor 
                         class or the class specified as 
                         VendorName. If this parameter is used, the 
                         vendor= tag must be provided.  
        ForceFlag     - DhcpNoForce/DhcpFullForce  can be specified. 
                         This is specifically for OptCode 006 DNS validation.
                         If DhcpFullForce is specified then DNS addresses are 
                         added in the server even if DNS validation.fails. If 
                         DhcpNoForce is specified then DNS addresses are 
                         added only when DNS validation succeeds. 
                         Default  value is DhcpNoForce.
        OptValue       - The assigned value for the option type 
                         specified in OptCode. If the option type 
                         supports an array containing more than a 
                         single numeric or IP address value, provide 
                         the additional values in order at the end of 
                         the command.  
Notes:         Vendor and user classes are supported only for
               Windows 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003 and 
               Windows Server 2008. To modify the current defaults for 
               an unspecified class used with this command, use either 
               the Set userclass or  Set vendorclass commands.
Example:       set reservedoptionvalue 003 IPADDRESS  
               This command sets the value of the Router option (code 
               003) for the reserved client IP address of in 
               the current scope to set IP addresses of and 
      for its configured routers (default 