Creates an action that executes {1} against {0} using the options specified in {2}.
The behavior of the created action is defined by {0}.
{0} should provide a meaningful context for the operation described by {1}.
{1} should describe the action to be taken against {0}. {1} is typically expressed in a manner specific to {0} (e.g. a T-SQL statement).
The {2} record should contain options that affect the execution behavior of {1} against {0}. These options are specific to {0}.
The action should perform the described operation when executed. The action should return a meaningful value representing the outcome of the operation (e.g. a status code, the number of rows affected, etc.).
The function should raise an evaluation error if invalid input arguments are detected (before trying to perform the operation).
The action should raise an execution error if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
NOTE: {0} may be left in an undefined state if an execution error occurs.