The server rejected this file because it cannot be unprotected by the server. Unprotect the file prior to uploading or contact your administrator.
The server may not have Microsoft SharePoint Foundation installed, your machine's IP address may not have access to the server, ...
The server may use different version of schema and the client cannot process the server's response. The server's response ...
The server name you entered cannot be found on the network (it might be down temporarily). Verify that you are online and ...
The server on which the solution is being deployed on a server does not have a SharePoint Foundation Service. Please deploy ...
The server rejected this file because it cannot be unprotected by the server. Unprotect the file prior to uploading or contact ...
The server rejected this file because it cannot be unprotected by the server. Unprotect the file prior to uploading, or contact ...
The server requires that the publisher agree to the new Terms of Use. Please retry your publish after viewing the new Terms ...
The server returned a non-specific error when trying to get data from the data source. Check the format and content of your ...
The server sent a response which SharePoint Designer could not parse. If you are trying to connect to a Microsoft SharePoint ...