The "{0}" extension could not be installed to any of the cluster nodes. You will need to register it manually using "regsvr32.exe" before it can be used. The error preventing the installation is: {1}.
The "Rfc1510UdpKdc" Domain Name System (DNS) service (SRV) resource record that advertises this domain controller as an available ...
The "Rfc1510UdpKpwd" Domain Name System (DNS) service (SRV) resource record that advertises this domain controller as an ...
The "RID manager reference" could not be found for domain DN %1. The lack of a RID manager reference indicates that the Security ...
The "{0}" argument does not contain a valid Windows PowerShell version. Supply a valid version number and then try the command ...
The "{0}" extension could not be installed to any of the cluster nodes. You will need to register it manually using "regsvr32.exe" ...
The "{0}" GPO cannot be restored because a GPO backup for it was not found in the following location: "{1}". Make sure that ...
The "{1}" validation script for the argument with value "{0}" did not return true. Determine why the validation script failed ...
The %0 component in application %1 has tried to retrieve the %2 property from the current object context, but the property ...
The %1 '%2' preference item in '%3' Group Policy object did not apply because a targeting item failed with error code '%4'%100790275 ...