The record source '|' specified on this form or report does not exist. @The name of the recordsource may be misspelled, the recordsource was deleted or renamed, or the recordsource exists in a different database.@In the Form or Report's Design view, display the property sheet by clicking the Properties button, and then set the RecordSource property to an existing table or query. @1@@@1
The query cannot be executed because some files are either missing or not registered. Run setup again to make sure the required ...
The query results are still being transmitted from the server to your computer. This operation might take a long time due ...
The query you create will list records in the table you select below that have no related records in the table you select ...
The record can't be deleted or changed. Since related records exist in table '|', referential integrity rules would be violated. ...
The record source '|' specified on this form or report does not exist. @The name of the recordsource may be misspelled, the ...
The record source you have selected - | - does not contain any fields. Choose another record source, and then restart the ...
The record source you have selected does not contain any fields. Choose another record source, and then restart the wizard. ...
The relationship has been created as a one-to-many relationship because there are duplicate entries in the related field.@You've ...
The Relationships window layout is too large to fit in a Microsoft Office Access report. Some of the tables and/or relationship ...