Instead, transfer the virtual machine over the LAN, or see Virtual Machine Manager Help for information about using a SAN.
Installing the application (%Name;, %ObjectType;) on the application host (%ComputerName;) failed. Detailed error message: ...
Installing this ActiveX control is not supported on a 64-bit browser. Please navigate to this page using a 32-bit browser. ...
Installs a program that allows you to connect to a VMM management server to centrally view and manage resources, such as ...
Installs the Virtual Machine Manager service, which processes commands and controls communications with the VMM database, ...
Instead, transfer the virtual machine over the LAN, or see Virtual Machine Manager Help for information about using a SAN. ...
Invalid string format - expected either a well-known name for page size type or two measurement unit values for page width ...
Invalid string format - expected up to three values separated with space symbol. First value represents cap style, second ...
Invalid string format: Expected four measurement unit or percentage values separated with '{0}' symbol. Here is an example ...
Invalid string format: Expected four measurement unit values separated with '{0}' symbol. Here is an example of valid string: ...