McAfee GroupShield 6.0 is installed on server {0} and the software is up-to-date. Current VSAPISCANSOURCE.DLL version: {1}.
Maximum '{0}' is beyond the warning threshold of {8} ms. The measured value is {9} ms. The rate of reads to this domain controller ...
Maximum '{0}' is beyond the warning threshold of {8} ms. The measured value is {9} ms. The rate of searches to this domain ...
Maximum Message Processing Time is the maximum time, in milliseconds, that the Text Messaging Delivery agent requires to ...
McAfee GroupShield 6.0 is installed on server {0} and a software update is available. This update is highly recommended and ...
McAfee GroupShield 6.0 is installed on server {0} and the software is up-to-date. Current VSAPISCANSOURCE.DLL version: {1}. ...
Measure and analyze the process and memory performance counters to determine if the server is currently exhibiting poor performance. ...
Measurement used to calculate the average time (in seconds) of handling a file download request during the sampling period ...
Measurement used to calculate the average time (in seconds) of requesting ThumbnailPhoto from user mailbox during the sampling ...
Meeting Response Commands/sec is the number of MeetingResponse commands that are processed per second. The client uses this ...