The new encryption key does not meet the strong encryption key requirements. The key must be between 10 and 100 characters in length, and must have at least one numeral, at least one letter, and one symbol or special character.
The new dimension group cannot be assigned. Other financial dimensions apply and physical or financial on-hand inventory ...
The new dimension group cannot be assigned. Other financial dimensions apply, while '%1' is set to Yes, and inventory transactions ...
The new dimension group cannot be assigned. Physical inventory transactions might exist and/or financial inventory transactions ...
The new dimension group cannot be assigned. The physical inventory has not reached zero on-hand, while '%1' is set to Yes. ...
The new encryption key does not meet the strong encryption key requirements. The key must be between 10 and 100 characters ...
The new expiration date must be greater than the old expiration date %1 and not greater than the end date of facility agreement ...
The new fiscal year begins before an existing fiscal year, so the new year will be closed automatically.\Do you want to create ...
The new grant was successfully copied from an existing grant. Add a grant number and save the grant. The Requested amount' ...
The new item number %1 will exceed in %2 characters. Change the setup in the Generate items/dimensions form or change your ...