%1!s! [ name = ] name [ address = ] address [ [ state = ] ENABLE|DISABLE [ sharedsecret = ] sharedsecret [ requireauthattrib = ] YES|NO [ napcompatible = ] YES|NO [ vendor = ] vendor ] Adds client configuration. name - the name (required). address - the DNS name or IP address (required). state - the operational state (optional). ENABLE - enabled (default). DISABLE - disabled. sharedsecret - the shared secret used to validate messages between client and server (optional). requireauthattrib - require verification for access-request messages (optional). YES - required. NO - not required (default). napcompatible - supports Network Access Protection (NAP) (optional). YES - supported. NO - not supported (default). vendor - the vendor name (optional). If none is provided, "RADIUS STANDARD" is assumed. See "show vendors" for more information. Example: %1!s! name = "Client1" address = "Client1.MyCorp.com"
s! mode = ENABLE|DISABLE profile = CURRENT|DOMAIN|STANDARD|ALL Sets firewall multicast/broadcast response configuration. ...
s! mode = ENABLE|DISABLE profile = CURRENT|DOMAIN|STANDARD|ALL Sets firewall notification configuration. Parameters: mode ...
s! mode = STANDARD|NODCC|BYPASS Sets the mode that determines whether and when dialin clients should be authenticated. mode ...
s! mode = { 0 | 1 } Sets the current mode to the following values: 0: Standalone CAs only 1: Enterprise and Standalone CAs. ...
s! name = name address = address state = ENABLE|DISABLE sharedsecret = sharedsecret requireauthattrib = YES|NO napcompatible ...
s! name = name address = address state = ENABLE|DISABLE sharedsecret = sharedsecret requireauthattrib = YES|NO napcompatible ...
s! name = name Adds a cryptographic service provider (CSP) to the list of allowed CSPs. You can obtain the names from the ...
s! name = name Adds an HTTP client user agent to the list of allowed user agents. name - Specifies the name of the user agent. ...
s! name = name Adds remediation server group configuration. name - the name of the remediation server group (required). Example: ...