WINDOWS OS LOADER The following types can be used only for Windows OS Loader entries. For information about data formats ...


The following types can be used only for Windows OS Loader entries. For
information about data formats for these types, run "bcdedit /? FORMATS".

    BOOTLOG (bool)          Enables the system initialization log.
    BOOTSTATUSPOLICY        Can be DisplayAllFailures, IgnoreAllFailures,
                            IgnoreShutdownFailures, IgnoreBootFailures,
                            IgnoreCheckpointFailures, DisplayShutdownFailures,
                            DisplayBootFailures, or DisplayCheckpointFailures.
    LASTKNOWNGOOD (bool)    Enables boot to last known good configuration.
    NOCRASHAUTOREBOOT (bool)    Disables automatic restart on crash.
    RESUMEOBJECT (id)       Defines the identifier of the resume object that
                            is associated with this operating system object.
    SAFEBOOT                Can be Minimal, Network or DsRepair
    SAFEBOOTALTERNATESHELL (bool)   Uses the alternate shell when booted into
                                    Safe mode.
    SOS (bool)              Displays additional boot information.
    WINPE (bool)            Enables the computer to boot to Windows PE.

    BOOTUX                  Defines the graphics experience during boot. Can be
                            Disabled, Basic or Standard. (Defunct.)

    BOOTMENUPOLICY          Defines the type of boot menus the system will use.
                            Can be Legacy or Standard.

    ADVANCEDOPTIONS (bool)  Enables advanced options.
    LOADOPTIONS (string)    Defines any additional options that are not covered
                            by other types.
    OPTIONSEDIT (bool)      Enables the options editor.

Processors and APICs
    CLUSTERMODEADDRESSING (integer) Defines the maximum number of processors to
                                    include in a single Advanced Programmable
                                    Interrupt Controller (APIC) cluster.
    CONFIGFLAGS (integer)   Specifies processor-specific configuration flags.
    MAXPROC (bool)          Reports the maximum number of processors in the
    NUMPROC (integer)       Uses only the specified number of processors.
    ONECPU (bool)           Forces only the boot CPU to be used.
    RESTRICTAPICCLUSTER (integer)   Defines the largest APIC cluster number to
                                    be used by the system.
    USEPHYSICALDESTINATION (bool)   Forces the use of the physical APIC.
    USELEGACYAPICMODE (bool)        Forces the use of legacy APIC mode even if
                                    the processors and chipset support extended
                                    APIC mode.
    X2APICPOLICY (integer)  Enables the use of extended APIC mode if the
                            processors and chipset support extended APIC mode.
                            Can be Enabled, Disabled or Default.
    MAXGROUP (bool)         Maximizes the number of groups created in group
    GROUPAWARE (bool)       Forces drivers to be aware of multiple groups in a
                            multi-group environment.
    GROUPSIZE (integer)     Specifies the size of all processor groups. Must
                            be an integer of power of 2.

Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)  KERNEL
    HAL (string)            Defines the file name for a private HAL.
    HALBREAKPOINT (bool)    Enables the special hardware abstraction layer
                            (HAL) breakpoint.
    KERNEL (string)         Defines the file name for a private kernel.
    USEPLATFORMCLOCK (bool) Forces the use of a platform clock source for the
                            system's performance counter.
    FORCELEGACYPLATFORM(bool)   Forces the OS to assume the presence of legacy
                                PC devices like CMOS, keyboard controller etc.
    TSCSYNCPOLICY           Controls the TSC synchronization policy.
                            Can be Default, Legacy or Enhanced.