An unexpected failure has occurred. No modules were loaded and the service will perform no work. Diagnostic information: %1
An unexpected error occurred while querying the metabase path {0} for the forms authentication property. The error returned ...
An unexpected error occurred while searching for virtual directories enabled for forms authentication (metabase property ...
An unexpected error occurred while searching for virtual directories in the {0} application pool. The error returned was ...
An unexpected error occurred while trying to delete the forms authentication property (metabase property ID 45054) off of ...
An unexpected failure has occurred. No modules were loaded and the service will perform no work. Diagnostic information: ...
An unexpected failure has occurred. The problem will require administrator intervention. The service will retry in %1 minutes. ...
An unexpected failure has occurred. The problem will require administrator intervention. The service will retry in %1 seconds. ...
An unexpected failure occurred while trying to scan the message with ID %1. This message has not been assigned a spam confidence ...
An unhandled exception error has occurred while processing an Active Directory configuration change notification. This error ...