Configures Health Monitoring values in the database. If new values are not specified, current values are displayed. wsusutil HealthMonitoring IntervalsInMinutesIf detect interval is zero, then the detect and refresh cycles will not run. If refresh interval is zero, then the refresh cycle will not run. wsusutil HealthMonitoring DiskSpaceInMegabytes wsusutil HealthMonitoring CatalogSyncIntervalInDays wsusutil HealthMonitoring InstallUpdatesInPercent wsusutil HealthMonitoring InventoryInPercent wsusutil HealthMonitoring SilentClientsInPercent wsusutil HealthMonitoring SilentClientsInDays wsusutil HealthMonitoring TargetComputersInPercent wsusutil HealthMonitoring CheckAcls %1 wsusutil HealthMonitoring CheckForLowDiskSpace %1 wsusutil HealthMonitoring CheckForCatalogSyncFailures %1 wsusutil HealthMonitoring CheckForContentSyncFailures %1 wsusutil HealthMonitoring CheckForEmailNotificationFailures %1 wsusutil HealthMonitoring CheckSelfUpdate %1 wsusutil HealthMonitoring CheckClientsExist %1 wsusutil HealthMonitoring CheckForUpdateInstallFailures %1 wsusutil HealthMonitoring CheckForInventoryFailures %1 wsusutil HealthMonitoring CheckForSilentClients %1 wsusutil HealthMonitoring CheckForTooManyClients %1 wsusutil HealthMonitoring CheckReportingWebService %1 wsusutil HealthMonitoring CheckApiRemotingWebService %1 wsusutil HealthMonitoring CheckServerSyncWebService %1 wsusutil HealthMonitoring CheckClientWebService %1 wsusutil HealthMonitoring CheckSimpleAuthWebService %1 wsusutil HealthMonitoring CheckDssAuthWebService %1 wsusutil HealthMonitoring CheckContentDirWebAccess %1 healthmonitoring
Configured NAT%1 for the following Internet interface: %2 Clients on the local-area network will be assigned IP addresses ...
Configured NAT%1 for the following Internet interface: %2 NAT relies on external DNS and DHCP servers. Confirm that these ...
Configured NAT%1 for the following Internet interface:%2 Clients on the local-area network will be assigned IP addresses ...
Configured NAT%1 for the following Internet interface:%2 NAT relies on external DNS and DHCP servers. Confirm that these ...
Configures Health Monitoring values in the database. If new values are not specified, current values are displayed. wsusutil ...
Configures system devices. Serial port: MODE COMm[: BAUD=b PARITY=p DATA=d STOP=s to=on|off xon=on|off odsr=on|off octs=on|off ...
Configures the Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE) and system reset. %1 The following commands can be specified: /info ...
Configures the Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE) and system reset. %1 The following commands can be specified: /info ...
Configures the Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE). %1 options where the following operations can be specified: /setreimage ...