The mobile phone number exceeds the limit of 50 characters. Check your information and type a shorter number before you click OK.
The MinAggregationDepth and MaxAggregationDepth parameters should always be used in conjunction with the other. Specifying ...
The MinAggregationDepth parameter value passed is not valid. The possible values are - WebApplication, Site, SiteCollection ...
The MinAggregationDepth value passed is greater than MaxAggregationDepth value. The range of the values for Aggregation Depth ...
The minimum number of minutes (between 0 and 34560) that a Web Drawing is cached in memory. Smaller values allow more frequent ...
The mobile phone number exceeds the limit of 50 characters. Check your information and type a shorter number before you click ...
The module name '|' is invalid.@* The module name may start with the prefix Form_ or Report_. The module can't be named Forms, ...
The module name '|' is misspelled or refers to a module that doesn't exist.@If the invalid module name is in a macro, an ...
The module name is not valid.}Enter a valid module name, which must begin with a letter and can contain letters, numbers, ...
The most important information about the fund-raising event goes here on the inside panels. Be sure that you convey the importance ...